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Stairwalker: There Types and Features

A stairwalker is used for moving heavy objects of disabled individuals up or down the stairs. Stairwalkers are commonly referred to as stair climbers. In this article, we’ll be discussing about different types of regular (used for transporting heavy objects) and personal (used for transporting people, especially disabled individuals) stair walkers.

Stairclimbing forklifts: These are stair climbing machines that use forks for managing the heavy object they are carrying. You can use the device both for loading heavy items on trucks and vans and carrying them up and down the stairs. The equipment allows an individual to complete work of four without straining his/her back muscles. A stair climber forklift can be used for effortlessly moving extremely large objects up or down even the most restricted staircases. Currently, you will get four different forklift models on the market, each of which will allow you to carry objects with body weight of up to 540 kg.

Stair climbing hand trucks: Like the forklifts, the handtrucks also increase the efficiency of the individual carrying out the moving task. You will get to choose from four hand truck models, two of which are capable of carrying loads of up to 315 kg and the other two can be used for carrying objects weighing up to 540 kg. The devices that can carry up to 315 kg possess the ability of climbing the stairs at a speed of 10 steps per minute. The other two models, on the other hand, can cover 18 steps in a minute.

Stair climbing step riders: This equipment comes with extraordinary weight bearing capacity. The two models of step riders currently existing on the market can be used for transporting objects weighing up to 800 kg and 1000 kg respectively. The stepriders are powered by batteries. The most prominent attribute of the machine is its ability of transporting heavy items up and down the staircases and in areas with tight landings. All these can be done with minimal effort from the operator.

Outdoor stairclimbers: This is a type of personal stair climber. There are currently two models of outdoor stairclimbers. The basic model can be used for transporting people with body weight of up to 120 kg. The advanced model is used for transporting people with body weight of up to 150 kg. As this personal stair climbing machine is primarily used outdoors, it boasts a rugged body and extra stability. Reputable manufacturers ensure that the outdoor stairclimbing machines made by them are capable of crossing steps as high as 220 mm.

Plus stairclimbers: The plus stair climber is a personal stairclimbing device. It is basically a wheelchair that can negotiate winding, narrow stairs effortlessly. The maximum lifting capacity of this equipment is 115 kg. The best thing about this device is that you can carry it with you even while on the go. When folded, a plus stair climber will fit in your car perfectly. Plus stair climbers can be used both indoors and outdoors with equal ease.